all shall love me and despair

i'm just a girl tryin to make a dolla out of yoohoo bottles

Friday, September 16, 2016

fried chicken & alfredo

i just had a plate of what is probably considered the worst thing to put in your body (after combo of crack+ ramen noodles)-- fried chicken (dark meat, although i'm sure i told the server white) and pasta alfredo. i am feeding my emotions.

it's been a nearly a month now since my mum has been in the hospital for gullain- barre and ovarian cancer. for the most part, i've been eating well and maintaining spiritual empowerment through meditation. however,  times when my emotions kick in. i feel hopeless, sad for my mom, and uncertainty. so i distract myself with food meth (feth?)

she is napping right now. key & peele is playing in the background (not watching, never was a fan). and her young nurse comes in. she looks overwhelmed,  but catches a peak of key & peele. she looks like a fan. she smiles at me thinking we have somethin in common. i let her think it and return  a grin. sometimes authenticity is overrated.

im starting to feel a bit of food regret
....  nope, just gas.

im hoping my mom's neuro doc comes by for an afternoon check up. he's my perfect kryptonite of west african and arrogance. 


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