RIP Brother

-Wedding, Summer of 2002
"Alexis is like Finian -- one of those magical people who are never, in real life, expected to appear. But when they do, it is invariably in an out-of-the-way place and in a slightly disreputable way, like a circus company clanging into view ..."
LIFE magazine, 1969
I 1st met Brother Alexis when I was assigned to him as work study during the '00-'01 school year, and in the beginning it was rough...really really rough. I would receive atleast 6 pages a day and they were all "emergencies". But he definitely grew on me and became family. He always left "goodies" (" Erie, I saved some goodies for you by the door. It's a german chocolate cake. Save it for your night time snack!")for me and even my "grandmawmaw". There are so many stories to share, but one particular story I always share with my friends is his conversations with my grandmother...rather, lack of conversation. My grandmother speaks little English, but she would pick up the phone when she was alone at the house , just incase my mom or aunts called. Well, the times Brother would call and ask for me, my grandmother would respond " No Eritria" and hang up. Here's a reenactment of Brother sharing his experience:
Bro: [horrified] Erie (or "Eerie" as he often called me) I spoke to your grandmawmaw and she just hung up on me!
Me: [chuckling] Really, Bro?
Bro: Yeah, she shouted 'No, Eritria' and BAM- she slammed the phone.Why do you guys let her pick up the phone?!? Bam! 'No Eritria'!
Despite my grandmother's lack of phone etiquette , it never stopped brother from sending her sugar-free lemon cake (she was diabetic)
I last spoke to him on March and just knew I'd see him again. I feel so sooo lucky to have met such a special man. I will never meet anyone like Brother and words can not express his impact on my life. Love you, Bro.
here's an article on the "mad monk":